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N W Coorey Lawyers & Associates provide a large variety of personalised immigration services to deal with each clients individual needs including:


  • Employers sponsoring overseas nationals to work in both regional and metropolitan Australia;


  • Advising employers and their respective human resource and legal teams on monitoring, compliance, sponsorship obligations and if the foreign national can be sponsored in the first place for an Australian visa;


  • Individual skilled migration to Australia by providing assistance on all steps of the process from the skills assessment, to the expression of interest and then the visa application;


  • Assisting international students with student visas and temporary graduate visas. Should they meet the criteria, we have assisted international students from student visa through to Australian citizenship;  


  • All family visa categories including prospective marriage visas and partner visas;


  • Individuals subject to visa cancellation on character grounds;


  • Assylum seekers at any step of their immigration process including appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and appeals to the Minister of Immigration and Border Protection to intervene on the matter on compassionate grounds; and


  • Australian citizenship and resident return visas.


Our services are regulated by the Legal Profession Uniform Law Act 2014.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
















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Our Services

© 2021-2023 by Coorey Immigration

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